
Adrienn Újházi

Újházi Adrienn (Novi Sad, 1995) completed her bachelor studies in 2018 and master studies in 2020, at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, at the Department of Fine Arts, study group – Painting. She worked (2020-2021) as a teacher at the high school for design „Bogdan Šuput“ (Novi Sad). She actively participates in exhibitions, projects, and art colonies in Serbia and abroad. She has had several solo exhibitions so far. She won an award from the European Cultural Foundation (ECF) – “STEP Travel Grant” – Amsterdam, on the occasion of the International Residence “Montemero Art Residency” in Spain (2019), where she was invited by curator Zeren Oruc (Iksvy Art) to mentor the workshop. She is a member of The Shock Cooperative in Novi Sad, of the editorial board of Híd Kör Art – a cultural magazine for young people in the Hungarian language, as well as SULUV. At the moment she is working on several projects as an artistic director, one of which is BIOFABRIKA (BIOFACTORY), supported by „European Capital of Culture – Novi Sad (2022)“.